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linux killall node command use in windows taskkill /f /im node.exe Starting inspector on failed: address already in use

by 낯선공간2019 2019. 6. 28.


    VScode 사용중 만나는 address already in use 에러 해결 방법

    Starting inspector on failed: address already in use

    killall node

    리눅스에서는 이 명령어로 해결이 되지만, 윈도우 CMD에 대응하는 명령어는 taskkill이다.

    이미 잘 죽지 않는 프로세스라 좀비 상태이므로 그냥 taskkill만 써선 안되고 /f 옵션을 같이 써서 강제 종료해야 한다.

    C:\Work>taskkill /im node.exe

    오류: 프로세스 "node.exe"(PID 1744)을(를) 종료할 수 없습니다.

    원인: 이 프로세스는 /F 옵션을 사용하여 강제로 종료해야 합니다.

    C:\Work>taskkill /f /im node.exe


    Windows Machine:

    Need to kill a Node.js server, and you don't have any other Node processes running, you can tell your machine to kill all processes named node.exe. That would look like this:

    taskkill /im node.exe

    And if the processes still persist, you can force the processes to terminate by adding the /f flag:

    taskkill /f /im node.exe

    If you need more fine-grained control and need to only kill a server that is running on a specific port, you can use netstat to find the process ID, then send a kill signal to it. So in your case, where the port is 8080, you could run the following:

    C:\>netstat -ano | find "LISTENING" | find "8080"

    The fifth column of the output is the process ID:

      TCP               LISTENING       14828   TCP    [::]:8080              [::]:0                 LISTENING       14828

    You could then kill the process with taskkill /pid 14828. If the process refuses to exit, then just add the /f (force) parameter to the command.

    Linux machine:

    The process is almost identical. You could either kill all Node processes running on the machine (use -$SIGNAL if SIGKILL is insufficient):

    killall node

    Or also using netstat, you can find the PID of a process listening on a port:

    $ netstat -nlp | grep :8080 tcp        0      0*                   LISTEN      1073/node

    The process ID in this case is the number before the process name in the sixth column, which you could then pass to the kill command:

    $ kill 1073

    If the process refuses to exit, then just use the -9 flag, which is a SIGTERM and cannot be ignored:

    $ kill -9 1073


